The Finca 6 archaeological site

Finca 6 is the second archaeological site open to the public in Costa Rica, along with Guayabo. It is one of the few preserved cases of residential constructions with associated stone spheres. Some of the spheres are in situ, that is, they have never been removed since they were found.

It is located in the community of Finca 6-11, in Palmar Sur de Osa, Puntarenas, in the Diquís delta. The land extends over an extensive plain formed by the confluence of the Sierpe and Grande de Terraba rivers.

Tour arqueológico - 1
Tour arqueológico - 2

The Finca 6 archaeological site is located in the alluvial plain near the Estero Azul, within a 20-hectare agricultural farm, 10 hectares of which were set aside for the conservation of the most important architectural features.

The area is characterized by high sedimentation, due to the interference of the coastal zone and the mangrove, which affect the sedimentary deposits. Most of the structures are located under a 1.50 m layer of sediment, which has allowed the cultural and architectural features to be preserved in very good condition.

Five sectors can be distinguished on the site:

  • Alignments: 5 in situ spheres in two alignments.
  • Mounds: 2 base structures for pre-Columbian dwellings.
  • Point 5: multiple fragments of sculptures and ceramics and stone boulders are exposed on the surface.
  • Recovered spheres: more than 20 spheres recovered by the National Museum of Costa Rica through judicial processes, seizures and returns.
  • Funerary features: a rectangular mortuary pit (not open to the public).
Tour arqueológico

Discover the legacy of pre-Columbian stone spheres at Finca 6: a unique journey into history in the Diquís Delta. Visit us and experience this unparalleled cultural treasure!